Manna's Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct concerns every director and employee of Manna & Co Oy and its subsidiaries. Manna & Co Group’s co-operation partners and suppliers s are guided by a separate Supplier Code of Conduct, which is based on these principles and amfori BSCI’s principles.
At Manna, we are guided in everything we do by our shared values: Questioning conventions – Working together – Straightforward and systematic. Those values and this Code of Conduct are the cornerstones of our operations, and they are also reflected in our stakeholder relationships. We want to be worthy of our customers’ trust – always. We treat all of our suppliers equally, and we promote a fair and open tender process. Besides purely financial and quality criteria, we also take sustainability aspects, such as environmental and human rights issues, into account when choosing our suppliers.
1. Responsibility and compliance with laws and regulations
At Manna, we comply with laws and regulations and with Manna’s internal guidelines in all our operations. We do not condone breaking the law, nor do we encourage it under any circumstances.
We comply with and respect laws on the status of employees, for instance, legislation concerning equality, the protection of privacy and human rights. We comply with laws related to safety, the environment, marketing, data protection and product safety. We monitor and take into account changes in legislation, and we develop our operations in compliance with new laws.
2. Integrity and conflicts of interest – we do not tolerate corruption, bribery or money laundering
The personal interests of Manna employees may not affect our decisions. We avoid conflicts of interest in all our activities. We do not work in or are not directly or indirectly involved in businesses that compete with Manna or in the business operations of a party that has a business relationship with us, and we do not seek personal financial or other benefits from business relationships. This also applies to the giving or receiving of personal gifts or hospitality shown by our stakeholders, with the exception of reasonable gifts or hospitality that are part of our normal business and which are also permitted by relevant legislation. More detailed guidance on these matters is provided in our other internal guidelines.
We do not tolerate any form of corruption or bribery. We also do not tolerate money laundering.
We do not provide support to political parties. Employees who participate in political activities do so as individuals, not as representatives of Manna.
3. Competition law, related legislation and consumer rights
We strictly abide by competition law in our operations. Our business is based on open competition. We do not participate in operations whose purpose or consequence may be restricting or preventing fair competition.
We respect our customers’ rights, and we engage in responsible marketing. We ensure that our products comply with the specific requirements set for, e.g. quality, the environment and product safety.
4. Human rights and workers’ rights
We foster sincere respect for one another and equality, and we want to help build a diverse and inclusive culture. We want and encourage one another to openly voice our opinions and concerns. We are committed to respecting all international human rights, including the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s ILO Conventions, in all our operations and to promote their implementation in our work community and supply chain. We comply with valid labor legislation and possible collective agreements in all countries where we operate.
We do not tolerate any form of discrimination based on, for instance, personal characteristics such as gender, race, skin color, ethnic background, nationality, age, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, religion or political views. We also do not tolerate bullying, harassment, violence, threats or insults. We respect our employees’ and supply chains’ freedom of association and freedom of organization. We do not tolerate child labor, forced labor or modern slavery.
5. Health, safety and well-being
At Manna, we ensure a healthy and safe work environment. Our management and supervisors are responsible for promoting the well-being of our personnel and for intervening in problem situations in risk cases that endanger health, well-being and occupational safety. Our occupational safety and health culture is based on continuous improvement. We also focus on work ergonomics, coping at work and building a psychologically safe atmosphere.
We require our supply chain to ensure that they maintain and develop a healthy and safe work environment in their own operations.
6. Responsibility for the environment
For us, responsibility is part of our day-to-day operations. We bear our responsibility for the environment and for the Planet’s well-being and carrying capacity. In addition, we have defined separate sustainability targets to help us develop our operations. We want to do as much good and as little harm as possible. We actively seek new alternatives to old methods and materials. Together with our partners, we continuously strive to reduce our negative impacts on the environment and find new ways of mitigating these impacts. We want to do our part to promote the conservation of biodiversity, and we use natural resources sustainably.
7. Manna’s ownership, intellectual property rights and confidential information
Manna’s assets include various material and immaterial property. We treat all our assets with due care and use them only to promote Manna’s business. The same principle applies to other parties’ property that is under our control.
We foster both the Manna brand as well as the brands owned by our subsidiaries to ensure that they remain strong from generation to generation. We communicate on our operations openly and honestly to all our stakeholders. We do not use misleading expressions or engage in practices that violate laws and recommendations in our communication or marketing. We take appropriate measures to protect our intellectual property rights.
We are aware that through our work we gain access to confidential information and trade secrets concerning both Manna and our partners. We never disclose this information to parties or people who are not concerned with the matter. We ensure that no unauthorized persons can access the devices we use.
8. Data protection and personal data
We comply with EU-level and local data protection legislation and guidelines related to personal data in our IT systems and to the collection and processing of personal data. We make sure that the data in the personal data files that we process are correct and relevant for the purpose of use, and appropriately protected. Persons who gain access to personal data may not disclose such data to others without legal grounds. We allow data subjects to exercise their legal rights, such as the right to verify their personal data.
9. Reporting obligation, supervision and corrective actions
We take violations of laws, regulations and this Code of Conduct seriously. Every case is investigated, and in serious cases, violations may lead to disciplinary measures or even the termination of employment.
We immediately report all breaches of this Code of Conduct to our supervisors, to their supervisors, to HR or through an anonymous whistleblowing channel provided by a third party Easywhistle at
No one will face sanctions for reporting breaches of the Code of Conduct in good faith. We investigate all suspected breaches in strict confidence.
This Code of Conduct was approved by Manna & Co Oy’s Board of Directors on 3 November 2022.